Black Bear Roll Resizer
After 8 years in development The Fiber Resource Group is pleased to be the exclusive sales representative for the only affordable commercially available Roll Resizing machine.
Paper re-winders are costly to run and consume significant power and manufacturing time that could otherwise be devoted to generating revenue. The Re-sizer completes a single cutting pass in less than two minutes, producing a perfectly straight, smooth and consistent cut while eliminating the need for a separate grinding or finishing process. Count on your Black Bear’s Re-sizer to reduce the time typically required to re-size a roll from 45 minutes to only 15.
The Re-sizer is a precision workhorse, constructed with the highest quality US made parts and standard components that ensure long life and worry-free operation.
• Removes wet, dirty or welded roll ends in minutes
• Resizes rolls with widths ranging from 6″-50″ and diameters ranging from 30″ – 60″
• Cleans and smoothes roll ends with its light sanding cutting head
• Accommodates different types of paper via “quick-change” cutting heads
• Handles all core sizes (*)
• Utilizes a shaftless back-stand that makes it easy to load and unload rolls
• Includes a powerful dust collection system that capture dust down to microns
• Utilizes high speed servo motors for speedy cycle times
• Compact design takes up less than 300 S/F of production space
• Meets all OSHA safety requirements
(*) Each Re-sizer ships with two standard size core chucks. Additional chucks and chuck sizes are available for an additional cost. Please contact your Black Bear Sales Representative for information on pricing and availability.